Hosts of Security Take Two - Real. Serious. Security.


Ben Verschaeren

Ben Verschaeren (He/Him)

Ben has been in Information Technology for two decades starting at the age of 14. Recently described by a senor executive as an “Adult Dennis the Menace”, Ben’s always up for a bit of cyber mayhem. Having worked across, Managed Services Providers, two of Australia’s largest Enterprises and an almost decade at a Security Vendor. Ben’s experience spans Wintel System Administration, Network Administration, Penetration Testing, and Software Development.

Chester Wisniewski

Chester Wisniewski (He/Him)

Chester Wisniewski is an old hat to information security having practiced the art professionally for more than 25 years. Starting out with a 300 baud modem in the 80s he became obsessed with exploring the world’s phone networks (phreaking?) which inevitably led to bulletin boards and early internet access in the mid-80s. The trust inherent in the system seemed absurd and this inspired Chester to pursue how we might build systems less prone to abuse. The rest is history.